Christmastime causes many people to think about how much they have to be thankful for. But did you ever think about what our community would look like if the SPCA Serving Erie County didn’t exist?
December 1 – 12, 2018, get a glimpse of how the lives of those pictured above were changed by the SPCA and our animals, leading up to the 15th annual RADIOTHON with NewsRadio 930 WBEN and Star 102.5 FM Radio, and presented by GEICO!
The 12 Days of SPCA will highlight our Radiothon theme: You Never Know When You’ll Need the SPCA. See why the SPCA matters to those who never knew they’d need us…until they needed us.
Then on December 13, 6 am – 6 pm, both radio stations will be broadcasting LIVE from the SPCA’s 300 Harlem Rd., West Seneca shelter! It’s an all-out open house at the SPCA, with half-off adoption specials, shopping deals in the Petique, Lights of Love, an SPCA expo in our Education Center, and more!
Have you or those you love been impacted by the SPCA and our animals in some way? Have you needed us to make your family…your home…your life…more complete?
Then make your Radiothon gift today…or become an Angel for the Animals…at YourSPCA.org/2018Radiothon, or text the word “Donation” to 80077!