The SPCA Serving Erie County has been awarded a $4,000 grant from the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) and Subaru through their Subaru Loves Pets program to help with adoption preparation for cats and dogs. Beginning on October 1, the grant funding will help the SPCA subsidize essential lifesaving services such as spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinations, initial worming, flea control medication, and microchipping which are crucial resources to the SPCA’s operations.

“We estimate that 30 cats and 19 dogs will be made ready for adoption using this funding,” said Chief Development Officer Jennifer Gurz. “We are continually inspired by the dedication and generosity of the ASPCA® and Subaru, who value pets as much as we do.”

Hot Dogs and Cats and What to Watch for During the Summer!

By Melanie Rushforth, Vice President of Veterinary Services

With the higher temperatures in the summer months, our dog walks might be a little shorter. When it is hot outside, it can be a struggle to get proper exercise, and when humans are too hot to exercise we can often overlook how necessary it is for your dog. There are several ways that your dog can still get some great exercise without overheating in the warm summer months.

Have a backyard? Put a kiddie pool out for him to romp around in, or a sprinkler for him to chase the water through. Near a lake, beach, or dog park with a pond? Let him go for a swim. This will help cool him off while ensuring he is still getting the exercise he needs to stay healthy. Remember to bring clean, fresh water and do not let him drink from the source.

With exercise comes panting. Panting is a perfectly normal way for your dog to cool down. However, sometimes panting is a sign that something else is going on. Any concerning behavior or condition should be a topic of discussion with your veterinarian, and this article will outline some of the top reasons your pet might be panting. You’ll notice this article is centered around dogs, and that is no accident. If you live with a cat, and notice that the cat has begun panting, contact your veterinarian right away. A cat’s normal breathing rhythm should be smooth and unlabored. Panting is usually a sign that something isn’t right with your cat. Cats only breathe hard with their mouths open when they are very stressed, extremely hot, or a disease process is occurring.

Overheating, or heatstroke, will cause heavy panting in dogs, which can quickly lead to dehydration and death if untreated. Treating heatstroke requires emergency veterinary care. Dogs who are overheated pant very heavily and will likely appear uncomfortable in some way. They could be restless, laid out flat, and/or not responding to you because they are so focused on cooling themselves.

If you see your dog panting, take note of their body language. Are their eyes wide and weary? Are they looking away and yawning? These are some common body language cues that indicate your panting dog is stressed. Panting should correlate with the outside temperature or activity. Healthy dogs usually don’t need to pant in the absence of exercise or excitement.

If you are ever concerned that the panting you hear is excessive, contact your veterinarian immediately. It’s never safe to take a guess when it comes to your dog’s health, and your veterinarian can help you determine if something is wrong or not. Your veterinarian can also help you create a plan on addressing heavy breathing if your dog has a medical condition. You want to enjoy your time with your dog and keep him healthy, so pay attention to those breathy pants, and your pooch will thank you. If you are a new pet owner and looking to establish a home veterinarian, keep the Lipsey Clinic at the SPCA Serving Erie County in mind. Please visit the Lipsey Clinic’s website to see what services we offer for cats and dogs. Like you, we want your furry friends to live a long and healthy life. Regular veterinary care and appropriate diagnostic tests will set everyone up for success.

The SPCA’s Shauna Green to Participate in Apprenticeship by Maddie’s Fund

By Melanie Rushforth, Vice President of Veterinary Services

The SPCA Serving Erie County is proud to announce that Veterinary Services Coordinator, Shauna Greene, has been accepted into a highly competitive apprenticeship presented by Maddie’s Fund.  Through Maddie’s University, animal welfare professionals can come together to inspire, engage, and save more lives.

Shauna, who serves as the Veterinary Services Coordinator, will be participating in the Shelter Clinic Management apprenticeship. The Lipsey Clinic provides wellness and incremental care for privately owned animals in the Western New York region. Affordability and access to care have been a primary focus for the Lipsey Clinic, and the skills gained from this apprenticeship will only make our service offerings stronger for the benefit of our clients.

The Veterinary Department within the SPCA believes that innovation is possible when we put our heads together with the goal of saving more lives and improving the industry. We are so proud of the work we do as a team and we can’t wait to see what innovative techniques can be implemented in Western New York to help families and pets live healthy lives together.

Maddie’s Fund is a family foundation established in 1994 by Dave and Cheryl Duffield and is the fulfillment of their promise to their inspirational dog, Maddie. She provided them much joy from 1987 – 1997 and continues to inspire them today.

The Foundation has awarded over $255 million in grants toward increased community lifesaving, pioneering shelter medicine education and establishing foster care as a standard across the U.S.

Maddie’s Fund proudly offers the industry a national voice, important funding opportunities for bold ideas, learning resources and access to collaborate and share innovative solutions. The Foundation invests its resources in a commitment to keeping pets and people together, creating a safety net of care for animals in need and operating within a culture of inclusiveness and humility.

#ThanksToMaddie, the SPCA continues to make learning a priority. In a world that changes as quickly as ours, it is our responsibility as professionals to be as informed as possible to keep our collective communities healthy, safe, and armed with the resources needed to navigate the challenges faced by families daily. We are proud to be recognized as an integral piece in the overall mission to keep pets in their homes, and provide equitable access to care for families.

By Melanie Rushforth, SPCA Serving Erie County Vice President, Veterinary Services

Today is World Zoonoses Day! So, what the heck does that even mean?

World Zoonoses Day has been observed on July 6th since 1885 to honor the success of French biologist Louis Pasteur, who administered the first vaccination against zoonotic disease on this day. A zoonosis, or zoonotic disease, is an infectious disease that has jumped from a non-human animal to humans. Zoonotic pathogens may be bacterial, viral or parasitic, or may involve unconventional agents and can spread to humans through direct contact or through food, water or the environment. They represent a major public health problem around the world due to our close relationship with animals in agriculture, as companions and in the natural environment. Zoonoses can also cause disruptions in the production and trade of animal products for food and other uses.

Zoonotic diseases range from minor short-term illness to a major life-changing illness. Certain ones can even cause death.

Zoonotic pathogens can spread to humans through any contact point with domestic, agricultural, or wild animals. People living adjacent to wilderness areas or in semi-urban areas with higher numbers of wild animals are at risk of disease from animals such as rats, foxes or raccoons. Urbanization and the destruction of natural habitats increase the risk of zoonotic diseases by increasing contact between humans and wild animals.

Simple hygiene practices will drastically reduce, if not eliminate, the risk of zoonotic spread of disease from pets to people. Some of the things you can do include:

– Make sure that any sign of illness or disease in your pet is diagnosed and treated promptly by your veterinarian.

– Bathe and groom your pet. This will increase the chance of early detection of any skin lesions.

– Give your pet a broad-spectrum deworming product on a regular basis. The simplest way to do this is to use a monthly heartworm product that includes a dewormer. Prevention is key!

– Wear gloves when gardening or working in areas where dogs, cats, or other animals may have urinated or defecated.

– Pick up any feces on your property and stoop and scoop when you take your dog for a walk. Dispose of all waste materials promptly and safely.

– Always ensure you wash your hands after handling any animal.

– Provide separate food and water dishes for your pet, and wash and store them separately from your family’s dishes.

– Wash pet bedding frequently.

– Use flea and tick control products on a routine basis.

People can come in contact with animals in many places. This includes at home and away from home, in places like fairs, schools, stores, and parks. Insects, like mosquitoes and fleas, and ticks bite people and animals day and night. Thankfully, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your family from zoonotic diseases. A regular vaccination schedule and good hygiene practices will set you and your pets up for good health and a long life. If you are in search of a veterinary home, consider the Lipsey Clinic at the SPCA Serving Erie County. With monthly wellness plans including a preventative package, you will be in good hands for the long-term care of your four-legged friends. More information can be found on

John Lattimer’s Fortieth Employment Anniversary with the SPCA
By Barbara Haney, Wildlife Department Director

June 25, 2021: This week marked the 40th anniversary of John Lattimer’s employment at the SPCA and it’s my understanding that he was a volunteer prior to being on staff. What a huge accomplishment!! In the world of animal welfare, John has lived and worked through tremendous changes. Indeed, when he started 40 years ago it was not routine to have veterinary services at humane societies, nor were there routine spay and neuter surgeries at animal shelters. John’s contributions to the SPCA cannot be overstated. We are tremendously blessed by having him as part of our SPCA family and his skills as a veterinary technician have influenced our industry and most certainly this community.

John’s compassion for animals led to his founding of the Wildlife Department and for that I can say that I’m truly grateful for his compassion and innovation. In the late 1980s wildlife rehabilitation was not a part of most humane societies and even today it is the exception if a shelter cares for wildlife. The SPCA Serving Erie County is only one of a handful of humane societies that has a Wildlife Department. We are quite lucky in Western New York to be able to provide care for more than our domestic friends. John’s foresight and caring has led to one of the largest wildlife rehabilitation centers in New York state and we lead the industry in our innovation and skills at providing care for wildlife.

For many years after starting the Wildlife Department, John was a veterinary technician in the infirmary working mainly with domestic animals. John has been called on to do some of the saddest things in animal welfare and has had his heart broken due to numerous animals’ sad stories, but what makes him different is that instead of retreating, he just keeps trying to do more for animals. In fact, no matter when you call him, he’ll answer the call and help. He rarely says no. John now works part-time in the Wildlife Department, and he is flexible and helps whenever he can, changing his schedule to cover shifts whenever needed. He does what’s needed to care for wildlife in our community. He’ll drive to pick up injured wildlife, work late to attend to animals, and listen to the community who call with concerns and questions.

John has fostered hundreds of animals over the years, caring for animals on his time off. But, during all his compassionate work caring for animals, John has maintained a healthy personal life in which he enjoys camping, playing golf, and even starting the SPCA’s softball team years ago! He is a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend. Anyone who knows John knows he’s a kind and solid individual. I am honored to work with John and value my time with him. I think of John as the heart and soul of the SPCA and we wouldn’t be where we are right now without. Thank you, John for all that you’ve done and all that you continue to do for the animals and the people of this community. We are eternally grateful for your contributions.

April is Canine Fitness Month!

By: Shauna Greene, Veterinary Services Coordinator and Lipsey Clinic Manager

Western New Yorkers get pretty stir crazy this time of year and with a world-wide pandemic stretching into its second year, a lot of us are feeling extra cooped up. Humans aren’t the only species feeling the call of the outdoors – your dog wants in on the action! This month gives you the perfect excuse to get out in the sunshine and shed some excess winter/covid weight.  April is Canine Fitness Month!

Taking your dog for a walk around the neighborhood is a great way for them to explore and satisfy their need for mental stimulation while giving you some exercise and the chance to socialize (from a safe distance, of course). If your dog is nervous or anxious around people or other dogs, consider using a yellow leash (or tying a yellow ribbon around their leash) to indicate your dog requires space from others. Here’s a little more information about this movement:

If you want to explore somewhere a bit more exotic, consider one of these dog friendly hiking trails in the WNY area: Guide to Dog Friendly Hiking Trails – Step Out Buffalo

And if you are stuck in the house, there are a lot of ways to exercise your dog indoors (remember, mental stimulation is just as important as physical stimulation and can help prevent destructive behaviors).  Use props made from common household objects like laundry baskets, hula hoops, buckets and exercise steps to build obstacle courses for your dog to work through.  My Australian Cattle Dog, Tex, LOVES it when I set up different tricks for him to figure out:

We’ll talk more about other ways to keep your dog fit throughout the month.  Until then, get outside!

The SPCA’s Lipsey Veterinary Clinic offers veterinary services for cats and dogs! To see all available services, please visit To make an appointment, please call 716-531-4700.

April 10 is National Hug Your Dog Day!

By: Melanie Rushforth, Vice President, Veterinary Services SPCA Serving Erie County

Some clever dog lover has deemed April 10th to be National Hug Your Dog Day. In case you needed a reason to hug your dog (besides the obvious), we have come up with several!

In both humans and dogs, oxytocin is released when you hug your dog. Oxytocin is sometimes referred to as the “love hormone,” because levels of oxytocin increase during hugging. Oxytocin also has social functions. It impacts bonding behavior, the creation of group memories, social recognition, and other social functions. Basically, hugging your dog is way better than any prescription!

Hugging your dog also gives both of you a sense of unconditional love and connection. Unconditional love, simply put, is love without strings attached. It’s love you offer freely. You don’t base it on what someone does for you in return. You simply love them and want nothing more than their happiness.  I think that sounds just like a dog.

Hugging your dog calms and relieves stress no matter how bad of a day you had. Stress and anxiety are common experiences for most people. In fact, more than 50% of adults in the United States say they feel stress or anxiety daily. Adopting a dog (and hugging that dog…once the dog is properly introduced to a new environment) could certainly help lower that number!

The many health benefits of companionship are priceless. Dogs can decrease our stress, help relieve our anxiety, and can aid in the treatment of depression. They keep us active, lower our blood pressure, and make us feel safe. I can’t think of any one thing, other than a dog, that can do all of that. That alone deserves a hug.

Do you hug your dog?

The SPCA’s Lipsey Veterinary Clinic offers veterinary services for cats and dogs! To see all available services, please visit To make an appointment, please call 716-531-4700.

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