New York State Attorney General Letitia James requires Bell Pet (The Pet Zone) to pay restitution of up to $200,000 to consumers forced to pay expensive medical bills after unknowingly purchasing ill pets. To read the full story, click the image below:

Tonawanda Man Saves Dog From Ellicott Creek; After Treatment at SPCA, Dog Reunited With Owner

January 6, 2023
BY: SPCA Social Media Coordinator Jillian LeBlanc

UPDATE, February 18, from Tammi in our Admissions Department:
We had a very special guest visit us this morning in Admissions and we are still crying very happy and thankful tears!  You may recall our precious boy Rufus, who was pulled from Ellicott Creek not too long ago by a wonderful and brave man named Jim.  Jim jumped into action the moment he saw Rufus struggling in the creek and pulled him to safety and brought him to us immediately for emergency medical care.  Rufus was reunited almost immediately with his family and we found out sweet Rufus was a gentle senior that they loved very much!

Rufus, Mr. Keane and Liam stopped in today with a ton of wonderful dog treats for our dogs and two BEAUTIFUL thank you cards, one from the Keane family and one from Pamela Giannantonio, the principal at St. Andrews Country Day School.  The children from Liam’s school collected all of these wonderful donations and we are so grateful!!!  Mr. Keane also informed us that Jim, Rufus’ hero, has stayed in contact with the family and just visited them recently…….sounds like a beautiful book and movie needs to be made regarding this incredible heart warming story!!! ”

–All the best stories have happy endings, and this story is no exception!

Rufus arrives, shivering, at the SPCA

Earlier today, Town of Tonawanda resident Jim Skoney was driving down Ellicott Creek Road in Tonawanda when he noticed three cars were parked along the creek, with people standing near the edge of the water. Jim stopped to see what was happening and noticed a small dog was struggling in the water, head bobbing up and down.

Jim says he did “what anyone would have done,” but it was much more than that. Jim laid down on the steep bank of the creek as one onlooker held onto his legs, ensuring Jim himself didn’t plunge into the water, and did everything he could to rescue the dog. As the current started pulling the dog out of reach, Jim said, “I called to him and he suddenly turned his head and tried swimming against the current. He made every attempt to stay above water, swimming in my direction, but he was repeatedly going underwater and rapidly losing energy.”

The SPCA’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Allison Kean

Just as it seemed the dog would go under without the energy to swim up, Jim was able to grasp him by the neck and pull him back to shore. Once back to safety, Jim wrapped the dog in his coat to keep him warm and cranked up the heat in his car. Jim knew he needed to get the dog to a veterinarian quickly. After a local veterinary clinic refused treatment because there was no owner to pay veterinary bills, Jim brought the dog to the SPCA Serving Erie County to ensure he survived.

And survive he did.

The SPCA’s Sally Budik covers Rufus as rescuer Jim gets a little kiss

When Jim arrived, the shivering, senior dog (who we now know is named Rufus!) was rushed straight to our infirmary, where our incredible veterinary team, led by Chief Medical Officer Dr. Allison Kean, made sure he was healthy and warm. While the veterinary team worked on Rufus, Admissions staff contacted local animal control facilities. Admissions counselor Shannon shared word of the dog with Tonawanda representatives and was quickly called back with news of a possible owner who works for the town!

Joe, Rufus’ owner, shared with us that the fence in his backyard was knocked down during the Blizzard of 2022. Wood was put up to patch the hole and keep Rufus from escaping. Unknowingly, the wood fell. Rufus, who is 18 ½ years old, deaf, and blind, somehow slipped out of the opening and eventually found his way to the creek. The rest of the story is history.

Reunited, and it feels so good! Dr. Kean brings Rufus to his dad, Joe, before introducing Joe to rescuer Jim, right.

Jim doesn’t believe he is a hero, but we do. He saved Rufus from drowning and brought him to safety.

Now, Rufus is back home, safe in his bed because of Jim’s heroic effort and our veterinary team’s diligent work (along with our donors, who ensure these life-saving efforts keep happening for the animals who need us most). This display of compassion would in no way be possible if not for Jim’s bravery. Please join us in celebrating this local hero!

Rufus, held by dad Joe, can’t wait to get home! (SPCA Chief Medical Officer Dr. Allison Kean, middle, and reluctant hero of the day, rescuer Jim, right)

YOU can help make life-saving work at the SPCA possible >>

The SPCA/Erie County Sheriffs’ PUPS AT THE PEN Program Returns to Erie County

MORO is the first dog to graduate after receiving eight weeks of intensive training by female inmates at the Erie County Correctional Facility

January 5, 2023
By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

Moro the dog prepares for his big Pups at the Pen graduation at the Erie County Correctional Facility Jan. 3, 2023

#SPCACompassionInAction — After almost three years on COVID hiatus, PUPS AT THE PEN, created by the SPCA Serving Erie County and the Erie County Sheriffs Office (ECSO), has returned to Erie County!

The program, originally started in July of 2016, established a partnership between the two organizations that, according to an ECSO press release, “…will bring new hope for inmates and sheltered dogs.” This program pairs selected female inmates with adoption candidates for several weeks.  During this time the inmates train the dogs, help with socialization skills, and provide care and attention throughout the program. The dogs live with the inmates in the housing area and the teams utilize parts of the facility for training, socializing, and recreation.

Eight weeks ago, Moro, a two-year-old dog surrendered to the SPCA in August, 2022 who staff felt would benefit from a higher level of training, began his in-depth behavior program at the correctional facility. There, he received not only behavior lessons but care, socialization, love, and attention from a loyal team of individuals committed to teaching this sweet dog new skills.

Moro passed his intensive training courses with flying colors and graduated with honors in a ceremony held at the Erie County Correctional Facility January 3. To ease Moro’s transition and keep his stress level low, Moro will be available for adoption not at the SPCA but at the home of a dedicated foster care volunteer. Those interested in meeting Moro for possible adoption can call the SPCA’s Behavior Department at
(716) 875-7360, ext. 268.

While his trainers taught Moro skills to prepare for his new life, they were learning lessons to prepare for their new lives. In fact, the trainers were so impacted by this program that at the graduation, SPCA representatives received this heartfelt letter signed by four of Moro’s teachers:

See coverage of yesterday’s emotional graduation ceremony on WKBW-TV Ch. 7
here >>

Since the program’s inception, more than 70 dogs trained by inmates have graduated and been adopted, one by Erie County Chief of Community Reintegration Tom Diina himself (see that story
here >>) ! In fact, in April of 2017, the first dog adoption that took place at the SPCA’s then-new 300 Harlem Rd., West Seneca location was a dog named Jed, a Pups at the Pen grad, who was adopted by his correctional facility trainer Mercedes (see that story here >>) !

Keep watching for news on the next dogs heading to the Erie County Correctional Facility later this month.


It’s a Win for Animals Throughout NYS! Governor Kathy Hochul Signs the “Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline” Bill Into Law!

December 16, 2022
By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

The SPCA Serving Erie County joins animal welfare organizations throughout New York State in sharing the exciting news that Governor Kathy Hochul signed the Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline bill into law! Read the full story here >>

“New York State will no longer allow brutally inhumane puppy mills around the country to supply our pet stores and earn a profit off animal cruelty and unsuspecting consumers,” said New York Assemblywoman Linda B. Rosenthal. “By ending the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores, shelters and rescues will be able to partner with these stores to showcase adoptable animals and place them into forever homes.”

The SPCA Board of Directors, staff, volunteers, donors, and friends commend Governor Hochul for protecting the animals of our state while helping animal welfare agencies showcase animals in need of new families!


New York State Legislature Joins Senate in Passing Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline; Bill Now Awaits Signature from Governor Kathy Hochul

June 6, 2022
By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

UPDATE, December 2 — The SPCA Serving Erie County continues to ask for increased support from the community in urging Governor Kathy Hochul to sign the Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline bill into law. It’s important that this bill is signed before the end of the year. In an article on, details are as follows:
“ASAP—call the Governor’s office at (518) 474-8390, ext. 3, and say: ‘Hello. I am a resident of New York, and I am calling to ask Governor Hochul to please sign the Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill into law.’ ”

In that article, you will also find a pre-drafted email form to submit to the Governor at the touch of a button.

Your support in this matter is of utmost importance! Please act quickly!

UPDATE, August 16 — The SPCA Serving Erie County asks for increased support from the community in urging Governor Kathy Hochul to sign the Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline bill into law.

In a press release issued earlier this year by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), New York State Director for the HSUS Brian Shapiro said, “New York’s remaining pet stores are joined at the hip with puppy mills. This long-overdue legislation seeks to protect our state’s consumers and companion animals from the scourge of puppy mill cruelty. We applaud [sponsoring legislators] for championing this game-changing bill and for their tireless work aimed at shutting down the horrible puppy mill-to-New York pipeline.”

Your voice matters. Urge Governor Hochul to sign the Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline bill into law, and help stop puppy mills in New York State today!

Ask Gov. Hochul to stop NYS puppy mills >>

The “Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline” bill passed in the New York State Legislature on June 3, 2022! 

The bill passed in the New York State Senate on July 21, 2020 (see full story below) and strengthened protection on May 10, 2022 (info here >> ).

That means it will now be placed in front of Governor Kathy Hochul to sign into law.

If the Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline bill becomes a law, third-party retailers, such as pet stores, will have one year to strategize acquisition of dogs, cats, and rabbits from animal shelters and rescues rather than from sources that could include barbaric puppy mill breeding industries. The SPCA Serving Erie County joins other state animal welfare organizations in thanking NYS Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and NYS Assembly Member Linda B. Rosenthal for their efforts in furthering the Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline bill.  Read the full story on >>

See this story on WGRZ-TV >>

New York State Senate Passes “Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline” Bill; Community Members Asked to Contact Assembly Members

July 22, 2020
By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

On Tuesday, July 21, the New York State Senate passed S.4234-A (Gianaris), the Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline bill.

Now, the SPCA Serving Erie County joins the New York State Animal Protection Federation (NYSAPF) in asking members of the community to take action in encouraging the Assembly to pass this important piece of legislation.

The Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline bill was one of the top legislative initiatives on the New York State Animal Protection Federation’s (NYSAPF) 2020 Humane Agenda.

“Stop the Puppy Mill Pipeline (A6298-A Rosenthal/S4234-A Gianaris): This bill would stop the puppy mill pipeline into New York State. Instead of selling animals (puppies, kittens and rabbits) that come from breeding factories, pet stores would have the opportunity to rebrand as humane businesses and host shelter and rescue adoption events. In 2018, pet owners across the globe spent over $72.5 billion on their animals. It is estimated that only 2% of those sales are for puppies, kittens and rabbits from mills. It is time for New York to say no to these mills which are actual factories. In the case of puppies, female dogs are placed in cages day in and day out purely to breed. They are impregnated. They deliver. Within weeks, they’re impregnated again. When they are no longer “of use” to the puppy mill, they are usually euthanized.”

More information on the passing of this bill >>

Visit the NYSAPF Action Center to find an automated email form that you can send to your Assembly member urging him or her to bring A6298-A to the Assembly floor for a vote right here >> 

For more information on this and other NYSAPF legislative initiatives, visit the organization’s Legislation page here.

The information for this article was provided by the New York State Animal Protection Federation.



Celebrity Tree Lighters at ‘Lights of Love’ Radiothon Kick-Off!

See today’s tree lighting ceremony >>

December 2, 2022 — The Rockefeller Center tree has NOTHING on the trees at the SPCA Serving Erie County!

It was a festive afternoon at the SPCA as the Lights of Love trees were officially lit! The tree lighting kicks off the Radiothon season at the SPCA!

Radiothon hosts Rob Lucas (Star 102.5), Susan Rose (Newsradio 930 WBEN), and Liz Mantel (The Wolf 107.7/104.7) were on hand to help us celebrate and officially set the trees aglow! 

Special thanks goes out to Northtown Garden Center for a special discount they gave us on the trees this year! You can purchase one light or a string of lights in memory or in honor of a special person or pet and have your light(s) displayed on the trees! Learn more here >>

Lights of Love >>

We also send a special thanks to our friends at Just Say Cheesecake, 106 Webster St. in North Tonawanda, for donating the delicious cake to help us celebrate today!

None of this would be possible without the folks at Newsradio 930 WBEN, Star 102.5, and The Wolf 107.7/104.7. This year marks the 20th year of the SPCA Radiothon! Since 2002, WBEN and Star 102.5 have donated this important fundraiser to the SPCA, and last year Buffalo’s New Country, The Wolf joined the Radiothon team. 

The Radiothon will take place Thursday, Dec. 8, 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. on all three stations! Find amazing Radiothon stories, learn more about how you can get involved, how you can make your Radiothon gift, and about our Radiothon adoption specials right here >>

Radiothon 2022 >>








See this story on WBEN >>

— Gina Lattuca, SPCA Serving Erie County Chief Communications Officer



Because some of the SPCA’s transports are publicized, a lot of people see the animals who are being admitted to the SPCA, which creates a lot of interest for them! We love that!

You may have seen an animal (or animals!) that you’d like to know more about and you’d like to speak with someone about him/her. Our staff and volunteer can be quickly inundated with calls and this isn’t productive for anyone! In lieu of calling, we’ve created this page to answer the most common questions we get about animals who come in through a transport.

– The SPCA can not hold a specific animal or put you on a waiting list for an animal.

– The puppies, dogs, or other animals transported to the SPCA have only just arrived! There are so many factors that go into making sure an animal is ready to be adopted, which means we don’t know when animals from a transport will be available for adoption. The SPCA does not handle animals in a “cookie-cutter” manner; because we examine, evaluate, and when necessary, treat these animals as individuals, there is no way of knowing when each will be available for adoption.

– When animals are ready for adoption, their profiles are listed on our website on the Adoptable Animals pages. Profiles are removed as soon as animals are adopted. (If you see an animal  on the Adoptable Animals page and you return later and don’t see the animal, this means the animal has been adopted.)

– Here’s the big one: Puppies made available for adoption are generally adopted within hours of being made available.

– Any other questions about the adoption process? Read our Adoption FAQs and find a sample of our adoption contract here. To hear a recorded version of this message, please call 716-875-7360, ext. 406.

November 30, 2022


See this story on WIVB-TV >>

Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn announces that 26-year-old Jarrod Dillman of Buffalo was sentenced this morning before State Supreme Court Justice M. William Boller to 6 months in jail followed by 5 years of probation.

On Saturday, August 3, 2019, the defendant, while working as a dog daycare attendant at a business on Niagara Street in the City of Buffalo, caused the death of a three-year-old Havanese mix under his care. The defendant admitted to repeatedly kicking the dog and throwing the dog against a wall. A necropsy determined that the dog, named “Alessio,” died as a result of blunt force trauma.

Dillman pleaded guilty to one count of Aggravated Cruelty to Animals (Class “E” felony), the highest sustainable charge, on November 6, 2019. As part of his sentence today, Judge Boller issued a final order that prohibits the defendant from owning or caring for any animals for next 5 years.

The day after pleading guilty to the crime, the defendant attempted to rob a bank. On November 7, 2019, at approximately 2:29 p.m., the defendant entered a bank on Elmwood Avenue near Breckenridge Street in the City of Buffalo where he approached the teller with a forged check. A note was written on the back of the check, which directed the teller to give him cash and not to call the police. After the teller repeatedly stated “no,” the defendant left the bank without any money.

Dillman pleaded guilty to one count of Attempted Robbery in the Third Degree (Class “E” felony), the highest sustainable charge, on February 10, 2020.

At the time of the plea, State Supreme Court Justice Russell P. Buscaglia, who presided over both cases prior to his retirement, consented to the defendant participating in a judicial diversion program. After he successfully completed the program, the Court allowed the defendant to withdraw his plea to the felony charge and instead plead guilty to one count of Petit Larceny (Class “A” misdemeanor), a one-step reduction. Today, Dillman was sentenced to 3 years of probation, which will run concurrent to his sentence on the animal cruelty case.

DA Flynn commends SPCA Officers Paul LeShay, Amy Jaworski and Lindsey Styborski as well as the SPCA Serving Erie County for their work in the animal cruelty investigation. DA Flynn also commends Detective Sergeant Amy Frankel, Detective Zackary Burgess, Detective William Moretti, Officer Richard Cruz and Officer Elaina Perez of the Buffalo Police Department for their work in the attempted robbery case.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Christine M. Garvey of the Animal Cruelty Unit and Assistant District Attorney Rachel Kranitz McPhee of the Special Victims/Domestic Violence Bureau.

UPDATE, AUGUST 23, 2022:
 Today, a sentencing date in the felony animal cruelty case of Dillman was set for November 30, 2022, 9:30 a.m. We will update this story with further details at that time.

: Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn announces that 23-year-old Jarrod Dillman of Buffalo pleaded guilty before State Supreme Court Justice Russell P. Buscaglia to one count of Aggravated Cruelty to Animals, a felony. The defendant pleaded guilty to the highest charge. Read the full story on today’s developments after this SPCA investigation here.

: Jarrod Dillman appeared in Buffalo City Court this morning. He has waived his felony hearing and his case will now proceed to the grand jury. Please keep watching for further information on this animal cruelty case.

August 13, 2019


Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn announces that 23-year-old Jarrod Dillman of Buffalo has been arraigned before Buffalo City Court Judge Barbara Johnson-Lee on one count of Aggravated Cruelty to Animals, a felony, and one count of overdriving, torturing and injuring animals; failure to provide proper sustenance, a misdemeanor.

It is alleged that on Saturday, August 3, 2019, the defendant, while working as a [daycare attendant and bather] at PawPrints by Penny & Co. on Niagara Street in the City of Buffalo, caused the death of “Alessio,” a three-year-old Havanese, by throwing the dog against a wall and repeatedly kicking the dog while wearing boots. The preliminary necropsy results determined that the dog died as a result of blunt force trauma.

Dillman is scheduled to return on Friday, August 16, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. for a felony hearing. Judge Johnson-Lee set bail at $5,000 cash, bond or property.

DA Flynn commends the SPCA Serving Erie County, including Officers Paul LeShay, Amy Jaworski and Lindsey Styborski, for their work in this investigation.

The case is being prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Erin E. Hart of the DA’s Animal Cruelty Unit.

As are all persons accused of a crime, the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.



Dog day care attendant arraigned on felony aggravated animal cruelty charge

By Harold McNeil
Published August 13, 2019|Updated August 13, 2019

An attendant for a Buffalo dog groomer was arraigned Tuesday in Buffalo City Court on a felony charge of aggravated cruelty to animals, after an animal in his care died, according to the Erie County District Attorney’s Office.

Prosecutors said 23-year-old Jarrod Dillman of Buffalo was additionally charged with overdriving, torturing and injuring an animal, as well as failure to provide proper sustenance.

“We’re horrified and saddened by the death of the dog that was in our care, and this is the first that I’ve learned that he was arrested,” said Penelope Lanich, proprietor of PawPrints by Penny & Co., when contacted by The Buffalo News Tuesday.

“We’ve been working closely with the SPCA to make sure justice is served here,” she added.

On Aug. 3, while working as a day care employee at PawPrints by Penny & Co. on Niagara Street in Buffalo, Dillman allegedly caused the death of a 3-year-old Havanese named Alessio by throwing the dog against a wall and repeatedly kicking the animal while Dillman was wearing boots. The preliminary necropsy results have determined that the dog died as a result of blunt force trauma, according to the District Attorney’s Office.

Dillman initially was identified by the District Attorney’s Office as a dog groomer at PawPrints, but Lanich said that is not a position Dillman ever held at the business during his 1 1/2 years of employment there.

“I’ve been in business for over 15 years and I’ve never had anything like this happen,” Lanich said.

Dillman is scheduled to return to court Friday for a felony hearing before City Court Judge Barbara Johnson-Lee, who set bail at $5,000.

Tonawanda Woman Pleads Guilty to Animal Cruelty

November 15, 2022
By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

Hilary P. White of Tonawanda plead guilty today to (eight counts of animal cruelty OR disorderly conduct) after being charged by officers at the SPCA Serving Erie County.

On August 13, 2022, the SPCA received a report from an anonymous source who claimed that several animals had been abandoned at a Hillcrest Rd., Tonawanda residence.

After obtaining a search warrant, SPCA Officers Jennifer Maleskis and Leanne Webb arrived at the property and rescued two guinea pigs, three cats, and three dogs left abandoned in deplorable conditions at the residence.

White was located on August 15 and charged by Officer Maleskis with eight counts of animal cruelty. She plead guilty to all counts in City of Tonawanda Court in front of Chief Judge Hon. Mark Saltarelli.

White was sentenced to a three-year ACD, a three-year No Animal Order of Protection, forfeiture of all animals, and an SPCA Animal Awareness Course. A $120 surcharge is owed to the court.

At the time of this writing, the animals are scheduled to be brought back from foster housing situations and will be individually assessed for adoption.

Buffalo Bills Visit SPCA Serving Erie County to Pay Tribute to Veterans, Commend SPCA Vets and Pets Program

Full photo album of Buffalo Bills’ visit >>

November 10, 2022 — On Tuesday, Nov. 8, Buffalo Bills players Reid Ferguson (blue circle right), Tyler Matakevich (red circle), & Tommy Sweeney (blue circle left), along with members of Bills’ staff, stopped by the SPCA Serving Erie County as part of the NFL’s Salute to Service program. They paid tribute to veterans at the SPCA and commended the SPCA’s Vets & Pets program, which waives animal adoption fees for U.S. service members.

We’re all heroes in some way. On Tuesday at 11 a.m., most of those on-site at the SPCA fell into at least one of two categories. Some are “heroes” for dedicating their lives to teaching teaching the world about kindness, non-violence, compassion, and love as they help animals and people through their work at the SPCA. Others are “heroes” for dedicating their lives to representing our city and teaching the world about elite skill and strategy and dedication…about being caring role models, winning with grace and humbleness through athletics.

But serving in the U.S. Armed Forces defines the word “hero” in a more supreme way. And we were lucky enough to have some of those supreme heroes among us on Tuesday.

A quote by P. McCree Thornton says it in a powerful way: “To those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor that the protected will never know.”

Veterans Day is about more than recognizing those who fought for this freedom. It’s about honoring them. It’s about remembering their service. It’s about thanking them for making the rest of us “the protected.”

Thank you to the members of the Buffalo Bills organization for making this special week dedicated to veterans so special, and thank you to the veterans on our staff and volunteer force, for your service and dedication.

See the full album of the Buffalo Bills’ visit to the SPCA here >> 

See this story on WGRZ-TV >>

See this story on WKBW-TV >>

Full photo album of Buffalo Bills’ visit >>

–Gina Lattuca, SPCA Chief Communications Officer

SPCA Compassion In Action:
SPCA offers free vaccines for canines!

November 10, 2022

The no-cost parvo and distemper vaccines are made possible through Petco Love’s new national vaccination initiative, which is providing one million free pet vaccines for family pets in need to existing animal welfare partners, including the SPCA Serving Erie County!

Other services available at a minimal cost listed in flier below:

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