The SPCA’s New SHADOW CAT Initiative

February 10, 2022
By: Vice President of Veterinary Services Melanie Rushforth

UPDATE 4/21/22: The adoption fee for all Shadow Cats, regardless of age, has been waived! This includes the adoption of Shadow Cats from either the SPCA shelter or a foster home! Wondering if an adoptable kitty has been designated as a Shadow Cat? Check out adoptable animal photos here >>  and click on individual listings of our cute cats to read their descriptions and find out if they are Shadow Cats!


The SPCA Serving Erie County is proud to roll out a new initiative that shines the spotlight on a unique population of animals in our care.   Effective immediately, the SPCA’s Shadow Cat effort will work to meet shy or fearful cats where they are behaviorally to assist them in navigating the journey to becoming adoptable pets living out the rest of their lives in long-term homes. 

Fear is common and a perfectly normal, innate, and adaptive behavior in all animals. However, if fear isn’t addressed appropriately, it can develop into serious behavioral and health problems and result in deterioration. Our goal with Shadow Cats is to be proactive in managing a cat’s fearfulness or shyness should a cat surrendered to the SPCA present those behaviors while in the shelter.

Transitions and big changes are hard for many cats, even ones who are not identified as fearful. In preparing to introduce a cat into the home regardless of their confidence level, it is very important to set the cat up for a successful experience by making some small, but important adjustments.  The intent of Shadow Cats is to offer a home environment, in the form of a foster home setting, to allow the cat to gain confidence, relax, and build trust.  These cats may wind up being the best friend that was missing in that particular home, and we always consider that a foster “win” rather than the traditional term “foster fail.” Even if the stay is temporary, the effects of a loving and welcoming home environment will be permanent. 

Introduction to a new home can be very challenging for a fearful cat. Fearful cats usually do best in relatively quiet homes or quiet areas of the home. Many fearful cats slowly become more confident as they get used to their living space and daily routine. The Foster Department of the SPCA Serving Erie County will assist new and experienced foster parents with whatever they may need to help  Shadow Cats acclimate to their homes.  Time, patience, love, and food are some of the ingredients that will help a Shadow Cat step into the light a little bit at a time. 

It is a special experience to build a relationship and bond with a fearful cat, and it is deeply rewarding. The journey may be long, but patience is a true gift to a nervous cat in need.  Just like people, cats can have vastly different personalities.  Some of these Shadow Cats may blossom into lap cats, while others may remain the quiet roommate that is grateful for love, attention (from a distance) and a safe place to call home.  Whatever the end result, we are grateful to have the opportunity to showcase these special cats in an effort to save more lives. 

Do you have room in your life for a Shadow Cat? Find out how you can get involved right here >>


See adoptable animals by clicking image below! 

Click on the image below to see our adoptable animals!
SPCA Adoptions open 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.!

Last year, National Volunteer Appreciation Week looked unlike any year prior. The SPCA Serving Erie County chose to continue serving the community as effectively as possible while the county…and the world…continued navigating a worldwide pandemic. Our volunteers stood by, ready and willing to help us continue to serve the people and animals of our community in whatever way possible. This year during National Volunteer Appreciation Week, as we continue to rebuild and restructure, we take a look back at last year’s efforts and again thank our volunteers for their dedication, their loyalty, their smiles, and most of all, for their love.

Day 1, April 18 [Reposted April 17, 2022]

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” –Jane Goodall

Today marks the start of Volunteer Appreciation Week!
Each day [this week], we will share ways our extraordinary volunteers continue to impact our world, helping the SPCA Serving Erie County assist animals and people even during the COVID-19 crisis!

As organizations were forced to close all around us, the need for our SPCA and its services grew exponentially. COVID-19 led to stress of different types and levels, and members of our community asked for unique, innovative ways animals could help alleviate the pressures they were experiencing in their homes and amongst their family members, friends, and coworkers. At the same time, our temporarily-out-of-work therapy pets were desperate for comfort opportunities.

When it was evident the number of requests for therapy visits would only continue to increase, the SPCA created a new program that allowed our four-footed PAWS FOR LOVE volunteers to make virtual therapy visits: HOUSE CALLS! 7 Eyewitness News even joined us on some of these house calls by featuring the SPCA’s virtual therapy visits twice each week!

Forty-five of our Paws for Love animals made virtual therapy visits, and in addition to WKBW-TV viewers, nearly 6,000 people took advantage of these video doses of devotion!

Thanks, Paws for Love volunteers & volunteer program coordinator Debbie Braun, for continuing your important work even during this medical crisis. Need a little care and comfort today? Check out a few of our Paws for Love House Calls:

–Gina Lattuca, SPCA Chief Communications Officer

If you’ve ever needed proof of how your donations help animals at the SPCA, look no further. Trooper’s tale has a happy ending, but the length of time it took to get there is hair-raising: 

Join us in our fight to protect animals >>


–Gina Lattuca, SPCA Serving Erie County Chief Communications Officer

SPCA Privileged to be Part of Buffalo Bills Community Honors Ceremony

March 22, 2022 — Last night the Buffalo Bills organization held its first-ever Community Honors dinner at Highmark Stadium. Phillip Weiss and Gina Lattuca of the SPCA Serving Erie County were thrilled to be part of the ceremony that included special recognition of the BILLS MUTTFIA, a program created by SPCA Board Member Hayley Beane and her husband, Buffalo Bills General Manager Brandon Beane.

The Beanes, joined by pet Chihuahua mix Peanut, were honored for their extraordinary efforts in increasing shelter animal adoptions by paying the adoption fees for SPCA animals, one for every home game touchdown. To date, during the NFL’s ’20-’21 and ’21-’22 seasons, the Beanes have paid approximately $9,000 in adoption fees, and more than 100 animals have been adopted as a result of Bills Muttfia. The SPCA is eternally grateful for this contribution and for the awareness the Beanes have brought to shelter animals and their extraordinary value!

See photos of the Buffalo Bills Community Honors ceremony  here >>

Bills Community Honors Photos >>

–Gina Lattuca, SPCA Serving Erie County Chief Communications Officer

testing page 2022

Become an SPCA Wildlife Volunteer!

Learn how by contacting Wildlife Director Barbara Haney: or (716) 875-7360, ext. 220!

Visit our Wildlife Department page by clicking the image below!


Help a cat see the light! Become a member of the SPCA’s Foster Care team and bring home a “Shadow Cat!” And now, you can ADOPT a Shadow Cat for a waived adoption fee! Shadow Cats:
-Are quiet, polite roommates
-Are low-key
-Are not attention-seekers
-Keep to themselves
-Are perfect for those with busy lifestyles
-Only require food, a litter box, and plenty of hiding spots! 
NEW! Are available for adoption from either a foster home or the SPCA’s West Seneca shelter for a waived adoption fee! Read about this exciting update here! >>

Shadow Cat foster parents will foster cats in the home a minimum of two weeks; length of stay depends on each cat’s individual needs. As with all foster companions, the SPCA provides food, supplies, veterinary care, and guidance.

You can read more about the SPCA’s Shadow Cat Program here. If you’d like to help a Shadow Cat see the light, please contact the SPCA’s Foster Care Department at (716) 875-7360, ext. 216, or

Learn About the SPCA’s Foster Care Program >>



TV Spot Courtesy of WBBZ-TV >>

Talk about being a friend…we don’t know how to thank 1270 of you who, as of Feb. 9, 2022, donated $37,570 to the animals at the SPCA Serving Erie County through the Betty White Challenge!  It was like we threw a party, invited everyone we knew…and we really DID see….THE  BIGGEST GIFT WAS FROM YOU!

Please watch our special way of thanking you for being our friends right here >>

Beloved actress Betty White dedicated much of her life to helping animals. Sadly, the world lost Mrs. White December 31, 2021, just weeks before her January 17 birthday, when she would have turned 100. Fans have chosen to honor her by donating to favorite animal welfare associations throughout the world in the #BettyWhiteChallenge !



Give to the #BettyWhiteChallenge >>

Read about the #BettyWhiteChallenge here >>


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