Animals like Foozie need your help desperately.
After escaping from his home, Foozie was hit by a car. He was brought to us for emergency care and needed his right hind leg amputated due to a severe fracture. This sweet dog was trusting but also sad and confused.
So many animals like Foozie need help this season. But many shelters, like the SPCA, are filled to capacity as newborn puppies and kittens are turned in at an overwhelming rate. Our staff and resources are stretched to the limit.
Your support is urgently needed to provide lifesaving care to every animal who comes to us during this busy season.
So many animals will need rescuing this summer. Whether it’s a mother cat and her litter struggling to survive on their own … or an older dog desperate for a second chance … they all deserve care and love.
Your gift today will provide homeless and neglected animals with lifesaving care and shelter. Your generosity will set them on their way to the happy, healthy lives all animals deserve.