There's never been a better time to join our pack!
Our goal at the SPCA Serving Erie County is to be a diverse and inclusive workforce that is representative of the community we serve in the most effective way possible. All employment decisions are decided based on qualifications, merit, and business need.
The opportunity to spend your days working around beautiful animals and people who love them seems like it would be enough of a benefit, right? But when you join our pack as a full or part-time staff member we offer you even more! Check out our benefits: Benefits >>
December 12, 2024 By: Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca
It had to happen sometime! The snow is back, and as many veterinary clinics (including the Lipsey Veterinary Clinic at the SPCA) are dealing with smaller work forces, it’s a little more complicated to receive emergency veterinary care. Plan ahead for the upcoming snowy days and nights now to ensure your pets stay safe and healthy today and throughout the rest of the winter. Read on for some of the SPCA Serving Erie County’s winter pet safety tips.
*OUTDOOR ANIMAL SHELTER MUST BE SUITABLE FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER: …and if it’s not, animal welfare officers can rescue the pet even before he or she shows signs of suffering, thanks to New York State’s Shelter Law that went into effect in 2003. Thanks to a legislative push in late 2018 that led to stronger laws concerning the tethering of dogs within Buffalo city limits, the SPCA and other law enforcement organizations can now take even more steps to ensure dogs are protected from the elements.
* Keep a Tight Leash: Never let your dog off the leash on snow or ice, especially during a snowstorm. Pets can lose their scent on snow and ice, especially if snow is falling at a fast rate, and your pet can easily lose his sense of direction. Pets may also panic during a snowstorm and run away; many pets are lost during the winter months. Remember to keep current identification on your pet at all times!
*Keep Pets At Home: Never leave your pet alone in a car during cold weather. A car can act as a refrigerator in the winter, holding in the cold. Your pet could literally freeze to death.
*Always Dry Pet’s Wet Feet: Thoroughly wipe off your pet’s legs and stomach when she comes in and out of the rain, snow or ice. Check her sensitive foot pads, which may be bleeding from snow or ice encrusted in them. Your pet may also pick up salt and other chemicals on her feet accidentally. These chemicals could hurt her if she swallows them while licking her feet.
*Lay Straw for Dogs’ Visits Outdoors: Can’t get your dog to wear booties? Lay straw on top of snow for trips outdoors by dogs reluctant to step out onto a freezing surface to relieve themselves.
*Check Cars for Cats: During the winter, stray or neglected cats outdoors sometimes sleep under the hood of the car where it’s warm and comfortable. If you start the motor, cats could get caught in or flung about by the fan belt, causing serious injury or death. To prevent this, bang loudly on the hood and sides of your car before turning on the ignition to give the cat a chance to escape.
*Keep Outdoor Sessions Short: Take your dog outside only for as long as it takes for him to relieve himself. Dogs, particularly small, short-haired breeds like Chihuahuas and terriers, suffer from the cold despite their seemingly warm fur coats. Live within Buffalo city limits? Don’t forget Buffalo’s new laws pertaining to tethering dogs in inclement weather.
*Bathe Pets Only When Necessary: Your pet runs the chance of catching a cold when wet, especially in cold weather. If you absolutely must bathe your pet, consult a professional groomer or veterinarian.
*Keep Pets Warm: Limit the clipping of your pet’s hair in the cold winter months, keeping your pet as warm as possible. Brush your pet daily in lieu of clipping to keep your pet’s coat healthy, shiny, clean and mat-free. Make sure your pet has a warm place to sleep far away from outside drafts.
*Hungry Pets: Speak to your veterinarian about increasing your pet’s supply of food, particularly protein, to keep his fur thick and healthy through the winter months. Inquire about vitamin and oil supplements.
*ANTIFREEZE IS POISON TO PETS: ANTIFREEZE, EVEN IN SMALL DOSES, IS A LETHAL POISON FOR DOGS AND CATS! Because of its sweet taste, animals are attracted to it. Be sure to clean up spills thoroughly, and consider switching to an animal-friendly antifreeze. Ensure that, if you store Antifreeze in a garage, shed, or other places accessible to your pets, it is well out of pets’ reach.
If your pet becomes lost, be sure to visit’s Lost and Found pagefor recommendations on where to post lost pet listings, and tips for finding your lost pets.
For more tips regarding keeping pets safe and healthy during the winter, please contact your veterinarian.
November 19, 2024 By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca
Planning a delicious holiday meal? Those scrumptious smells are enough to drive any four-legged critter into a food frenzy! The SPCA Serving Erie County has issued these Thanksgiving holiday reminders to keep your pets safe, slim, and trim:
HUNGRY PETS: Too many holiday treats won’t only pack the pounds on us…they’ll pack them on our pets. Many pets are on standard, limited diets; feeding them large quantities of food they don’t normally receive could cause abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea, none of which are welcome during this festive holiday…or at any other time, for that matter. Use discretion. Turkey bones are also dangerous for pets. A brittle, spiky bone could cause irritation of the stomach or intestines, or could lodge in your pet’s esophagus. NOTE: Dogs eating foods to which they’re not accustomed may experience BLOAT, a life-threatening condition. Dogs experiencing bloat may have difficulty breathing, may appear weak and/or depressed, may attempt to vomit but cannot, and/or may appear to be extremely uncomfortable for no apparent reason. If your pet exhibits signs of bloat, bring him to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Speak with your veterinarian for more information on this condition.
NO BREAD FOR BARNEY: Think twice before leaving that homemade bread dough atop the oven to rise. According to the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center, when bread dough is ingested, an animal’s body heat causes the dough to rise in the stomach. As alcohol is produced during the rising process, the dough expands. Pets who have eaten bread dough may experience abdominal pain, vomiting, disorientation and depression.
PEANUT BUTTER WARNING: Using peanut butter as a holiday treat for your pet? Remember to check the label! Xylitol is a sugar substitute now added to some peanut butters, along with other foods and candies. It’s safe for most humans, but deadly to pets, even in small quantities! Be sure to check labels for Xylitol or other ingredients that could be dangerous for your pet. It’s also a bad idea to give any animal caffeine-laced peanut butter or other foods; serious health problems could ensue.
GARBAGE PICKERS? Some animals patiently wait for the chance to pick through the garbage when you’re not around. Aluminum foils with juices, plastic wraps with frostings, even tasty strings from tying turkeys…well, the temptation can just be too much for your deprived pets. Keep your garbage bags away from where pets can chew through them to get to the goods. Ingestion of these items can be life-threatening.
SWEET TEMPTATIONS: CHOCOLATE CAN BE FATAL TO PETS! Chocolate contains a substance called Theobromine, a compound very similar to caffeine in structure. Theobromine can be toxic to dogs and cats in small quantities, causing vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, seizures, rapid and irregular heartbeats, muscle tremors, coma, even death. Keep chocolate safely away from all animals.
POTPOURRI PROBLEMS: Of course we want our homes to smell nice when guests arrive…but be mindful that liquid and other types of potpourri, especially sprinkled into rugs, along with many scented essential candles and oils are toxic to dogs, cats, even birds and other animals.
With changes to the veterinary industry, seeking timely medical care for your pet, especially on a holiday, can prove itself to be problematic. Pet owners are advised to take every preventative measure possible to eliminate the chance of animals requiring emergency veterinary care.
SPCA Serving Erie County Offers Free Adoptions to Current and Past Military Members During Vets & Pets
November 1, 2024 By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca
To thank the members of the armed services this Veterans Day, the SPCA Serving Erie County once again offers Vets & Pets, waiving adoption fees on most animals for individuals and immediate families of individuals on active duty, reserves, and honorable discharge, along with service-disabled veterans and those retired from military service! This program, a longtime SPCA tradition, is proudly presented by the kind, caring, and patriotic folks at Moog.
“At Moog, we believe in the power of community and compassion,” said Jennifer Walter, EVP and chief finance officer at Moog. “The Vets & Pets initiative at the SPCA Serving Erie County is a wonderful opportunity to honor our veterans while helping these individuals find loyal companions. We are proud to support this meaningful cause.”
Vets & Pets begins Monday, November 11, and runs through Saturday, November 16* at the SPCA’s 300 Harlem Rd., West Seneca location (off-site locations are not included in this campaign).
Military ID or DD214 will need to be presented. If an individual is currently serving outside of New York State, that individual’s spouse can adopt during Vets & Pets if a military spouse identification card is presented. Adopters can apply the Vets & Pets waived adoption fee promotion toward a total of two animals.
Please contact SPCA Senior Director of Operations Mindy Ussrey with any questions: (716) 875-7360, ext. 210.
*Adoption hours are 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. The SPCA is closed on Sundays. Final guest passes for those wishing to adopt from the SPCA’s West Seneca location are issued one hour prior to closing.
October’s Subaru Loves Pets Campaign at Northtown Will Benefit Animals at the SPCA Serving Erie County
September 30, 2024 By: Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca
Northtown Subaru in Amherst, longtime lover of animals and partner of the SPCA Serving Erie County, is celebrating its love for animals this October in about 3,100 ways!
For every dog or cat adopted at the SPCA Serving Erie County this October, Northtown Subaru will donate $100 to the SPCA as part of the Subaru Loves Pets campaign. The donation will be made for up to 31 animals, one for each day of the month.
Then buckle up, because Subaru’s love for pets continues at a special adoption event Saturday, Oct. 19! From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the SPCA and Northtown Subaru are teaming up in Northtown’s showroom at 3930 Sheridan Drive in Amherst. Get ready to browse the most adorable showroom in town and find your match — whether you’re looking for a playful pup to ride shotgun or a cuddly cat co-pilot. The Subaru Loves Pets program will feature at the event:
– 10 Dog Parent Kits: Everything you need to welcome your new dog!
– 50 Dog Toys: Get ready for some tail-wagging fun!
– 10 Cat Parent Kits: These kits are packed with goodies for your new cat!
Between Northtown Subaru’s generous Share the Love donations of over $127,000 since 2021 and the regular spotlight on adoptable animals in their monthly emails, Northtown Subaru truly goes the extra mile to support the SPCA Serving Erie County. In fact, since 2008, Subaru has helped to support more than1500 adoption events that have helped approximately 57,000 animals nationwide!
“Northtown Subaru’s incredible support allows us to provide life-saving care to animals in need,” said SPCA Annual Giving Manager Phillip Weiss. “Their generosity directly translates to more animals finding loving homes and receiving the second chance they deserve. We are incredibly grateful for their partnership!”
SPCA Treats Pet Owners to Tricks for Keeping Pets Safe This Halloween
October 2, 2024 By: Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca
Halloween is meant to be fun for children of all ages, but according to the SPCA Serving Erie County, pets often experience the dark side of Halloween fun. With extra precautions, seasonal problems can often be avoided:
HUNGRY PETS: CHOCOLATE CAN BE FATAL TO YOUR PET!Please share this tip with children, who may be tempted to share their Halloween take with their best four-footed friends!The sweet smell of Halloween chocolate and other candy left by a door pleases pets, as do cookies and cakes served at Halloween parties. Sweets can cause diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain or worse. Purchase Halloween treats made specifically for pets and keep the “people” treats away from where pets can reach them.
PETS AS VICTIMS: Halloween is traditionally known for trick-or-treaters…and pranksters. KEEP ALL PETS INSIDE on Halloween night, and the nights immediately preceding and following October 31. This will prevent them from being stolen, teased, kicked, blinded by flashlights or abused in other ways.
NERVOUS/TERRITORIAL PETS: Constant door-knocking or doorbell-ringing may cause an extremely nervous pet to shake or tremble uncontrollably, or have an “accident” in the house. Territorial pets may become aggressive at the sound of unfamiliar visitors. Keep nervous or territorial pets distracted in another room with the door closed.
CURIOUS PETS: Keep pets away from costume-making areas, where sequins or buttons can be swallowed. Scissors used for cutting patterns, or knives used for carving jack o’lanterns, can harm your pet. Also remember to keep pets away from a candle-illuminated jack o’lantern. Halloween has become a popular season for decorations as well. Keep decorations out of your pet’s reach, or securely attached in place to prevent your pet from pulling the decorations down. Swallowing a decorative object may cause intestinal problems and present a potential emergency.
KEEP CURRENT ID ON PETS: Exuberant or nervous pets may bolt out doors opened for trick-or-treat candy handouts. Ensure they are wearing proper identification (even if they are microchipped) in case they become lost. Collars are available for purchase at the Petique, located at the SPCA’s 300 Harlem Rd., West Seneca site, and other pet supply shops. If you lose or find a pet, visit the SPCA’s Lost & Found page for tips on what to do next.
Contact the SPCA Serving Erie County with any questions or concerns: (716) 875-7360.
Hayley Beane & Buffalo Bills General Manager Brandon Continue Bills Muttfia for SPCA Serving Erie County Animals
September 5, 2024 By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca
It’s official! For the fifth year in a row, Hayley and Buffalo Bills’ General Manager Brandon Beane will feature the Bills Muttfia program at the SPCA Serving Erie County!*
For every home game touchdown scored by the Buffalo Bills, the Beanes will make a $100 donation towards the care of an animal at the SPCA!* This means that, while ‘rookies’ drafted into Bills Muttfia are at the SPCA, a portion of their care has been sponsored by the Beanes. Adoption fees will be paid by adopters this year, allowing the Beanes’ donation to go directly toward the care of the animals during their temporary stay at the SPCA.
“With the SPCA’s shift toward accepting animals most at-risk, we’ve noticed an increase in care costs while animals are with us,” says SPCA President/CEO Cait Daly. “These donations from the Beanes help the SPCA provide what is required for ‘rookies’ in need of more extensive care while still allowing adopters the ability to adopt at a fraction of what the animal would have cost otherwise. Our basic adoptions include spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinations, microchips, testing, deworming, temporary identification for dogs and cats, the pet’s first visit to a veterinarian after adoption, and more. The Beanes help the animals of our community by affording the SPCA the ability to provide a significant amount of vital care to animals more in-need, leading to faster adoptions into loving homes.”
Dogs, cats, small animals, birds, reptiles, even farm animals will be drafted into the Bills Muttfia. New Muttfia team members and their stories will be announced on the SPCA’s social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) after each home game, and rookie cages and kennels will carry the message that a portion of that animal’s care at the SPCA has been sponsored by the Beane family.*
“Bills Muttfia is an excellent way to highlight and bring attention to the animals being cared for by the SPCA Serving Erie County,” said Hayley. “It has also been so fun to be involved and wait to see which animals will be drafted into Bills Muttfia!”
Hayley, a member of the SPCA’s Board of Directors, adds, “If you go and visit the SPCA, you’ll be hooked like I was. The tireless work that is done there by the warm, friendly, compassionate staff is really remarkable to see. From assisting animals that are involved in abuse cases to rehabilitating injured wildlife that find their way to the SPCA…it is a wonderful thing to witness and I’m so thankful for them!”
“No matter what happens at work, good day, bad day, you win 40 to nothing, lose 40 to nothing, your dogs are fired up to see you when you come in the door, and that’s a cool feeling, the love and nurturing that they bring to the family,” Brandon stated in a video focused on the Beanes and the importance of pet adoption.
The Beanes not only talk the adoption talk, but they walk the walk. One Muttfia draft pick, a guinea pig named Sherman, was adopted by Hayley in December of 2021. The family soon became larger, with the adoptions of guinea pig Percy and one of Percy’s [surprise] babies, Coco Beane!
Sherman, Percy, and Coco Beane
Another excellent lineup of SPCA animal rookies are waiting to be drafted during the ’24 – ’25 Bills Muttfia season, which begins with the Buffalo Bills’ first home game Sunday, Sept. 8 at 1 p.m.
“Brandon and I are so excited to start another season of Bills Muttfia!” Hayley remarks. “We love rescues, plus, it is heartwarming and inspiring to see the wonderful work done by the SPCA Serving Erie County. We can’t wait for lots of touchdowns!”
The Beane Family
*Please note: Animal adoption fees are paid by adopters.
August 21, 2024 By: Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca
The SPCA Serving Erie County will continue its popular Tale for Two reading program throughout the 2024-2025 school year!
Tale For Two encourages children ages 5 – 16 to read aloud to adoptable animals at the SPCA. Animals benefit from the increased socialization and reduced stress levels, while children work on their literacy and reading skills, building their self-esteem and confidence.
This year’s reading sessions are available in six packages, and new this year are single sessions:
-Full-year package: $150
September 30, 2024 – August 30, 2025
-School year package: $100
September 30, 2024 – June 14, 2025
-Seasonal packages: $65 Fall: September 30 – December 14, 2024 Winter: January 6 – March 29, 2025 Spring: April 7 – June 14, 2025 Summer: June 30 – August 30, 2025
*NEW* -Single session: $10
Packages include one reading session per week, available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m., and Saturdays, 3:30 p.m. – 6 p.m., at the SPCA’s 300 Harlem Rd., West Seneca shelter. Reading sessions are 30 minutes in length.
Children can bring their own reading materials, or make a selection from the SPCA’s library.
Please contact SPCA Community Education Director Christine Davis with questions: NOTE: Space per reading session is extremely limited, so register early!
Bring Home a Feline Dream Team Now Through Saturday, as the SPCA Serving Erie County Offers a Feline Flash: TWO CATS OR KITTENS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!
Even if you’re not an Olympics buff, you can bring home your own Feline Dream Team!
Now through Saturday at the SPCA Serving Erie County, ALL felines…ALL ages…can be adopted at the feline flash of two for the price of one!*
Win the gold when you bring home a purrrfect pair of eight tiny paws with two big attitudes.
Visit the SPCA’s 300 Harlem Rd., West Seneca location Thursday through 8 p.m. (final adoption passes issued at 7 p.m.), or Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. through 5 p.m. (final adoption passes issued at 4 p.m.).
Each adoption includes the animals’ general physicals by SPCA Veterinary Services; spay/neuter surgeries; age-appropriate vaccinations; initial deworming; doses of flea control medicine; Feline Leukemia tests; microchips; temporary identification tags; and a certificate for new pets’ physical examinations at the Niagara Frontier Veterinary Society’s veterinarian of choice.*
See all animals available for adoption HERE >> Adoption fees and other information are availableHERE >>
*Don’t forget: You’ll need to bring along an appropriate carrier or two to transport your pet(s)! Don’t have any? You can purchase them here at the SPCA’s Petique!
July 1, 2024 By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca
The days immediately following July 4 can result in increased numbers of stray animals admitted to animal control facilities and humane societies, and often the explosive sound of fireworks is to blame. Fireworks cause many pets to panic, resulting in extreme and sometimes dangerous escape measures from homes or yards. Without identification, it is nearly impossible to reunite pet with owner. Please keep the following tips in mind this holiday:
* ENSURE ALL ANIMALS ARE WEARING CURRENT IDENTIFICATION! Even if the animal has microchip identification, place a collar with an ID tag on your pet. If a neighbor or passer-by finds your animal, an ID collar that includes your phone number can lead to a faster reunion. Remember, don’t limit a search for a lost pet to your geographical location! A frightened animal that bolts can travel long distances, and well-meaning community members trying to help may also transport the animal to an animal control facility or veterinary clinic in a different neighborhood. Find local animal control facilities here >>.
* DON’T TAKE ANIMALS TO FIREWORKS DISPLAYS. The sounds and sights of fireworks often have the ability to turn the most calm, quiet, and non-aggressive pet into a stressed, frightened animal. A startled animal may not only break free and run away, but may also bite.
If you bring your dog to these events and realize it’s becoming too overwhelming for him or her, DO NOT KEEP YOUR DOG IN YOUR CAR FOR ANY AMOUNT OF TIME! The effects of heatstroke on even slightly warm days begin within mere minutes. and the results could be fatal. Stressed animals confined to cars can not only die or suffer severe brain damage, but can also experience an overwhelming stress level that can cause physical harm to the pet, and/or damage to the vehicle’s interior. Home is the safest place for pets this holiday.
* HAVE SOMEONE HOME WITH NERVOUS PETS DURING FIREWORKS. If the animal is with someone he or she knows, the pet’s stress level will be greatly reduced. Keep the volume on a television or radio turned up to block some of the noise. ThunderShirts® reportedly work to calm the anxiety felt by some dogs and cats when they can hear fireworks, thunder, even when they experience separation anxiety, and can be found in many local pet supply shops and online.
* NOISE-CANCELLING HEADPHONES FOR HOUNDS. The headphones, which must be ordered in advance based on each dog’s specific measurements, contain Bluetooth technology which allows owners to stream their dogs’ most calming musical selections (decibal reduction for the dogs provide a “whisper volume”) directly into their ears. A simple online search will direct pet owners to the various companies offering these headphones.
Very hot weather paired with immense crowds of people and loud, strange noises heighten the stress level for many animals. Your pet’s body is closer to the asphalt and can heat up quickly. The hot pavement can also burn unprotected, sensitive paw pads. Home is the safest place for pets on extremely hot days and during arts festivals, food festivals, other crowded outdoor events, and especially fireworks displays.
If you witness animal cruelty or see any animal in need of rescue or emergency assistance this summer, the SPCA Serving Erie County may be able to help. Please call the SPCA Monday through Saturday,
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., at (716) 875-7360, ext. 214.