SPCA Charges Buffalo Woman with Animal Cruelty for Allegedly Leaving Dog in Hot Car

June 29, 2022
By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

UPDATE 8/8/23 from the office of Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn:


Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn announces that Cheektowaga Town Court Justice John Wanat has found 38-year-old Shermika A. Walker of Buffalo guilty of one count of Confinement of Companion Animals in Vehicles: Extreme Temperatures (violation under New York Agriculture and Markets Law). Judge Wanat rendered his decision yesterday afternoon following a two-hour, non-jury trial.

On Wednesday, June 15, 2022, Cheektowaga Police and Cheektowaga Animal Control officers responded to a 911 call for a report of a dog in distress inside of a parked vehicle at a plaza on Union Road. When officers arrived at the scene, the dog was seizing and vomiting due to the heat inside of the vehicle.

The defendant’s dog, an 8-year-old male Boston Terrier mix, was removed from the vehicle and taken to a veterinary emergency clinic to be treated for severe heatstroke. The dog was briefly held in the custody of the SPCA Serving Erie County, but [against the wishes and recommendations of the SPCA] was [ordered by the court] returned to the defendant. On June 29, 2022, our office requested that the Court impose a no animal order at the defendant’s arraignment, which was denied by the Town Justice previously assigned to the case.

Walker faces a maximum of 15 days in jail when she is sentenced on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. She remains released on her own recognizance as the charge is a non-qualifying offense for bail.

DA Flynn commends the Cheektowaga Police Department, Town of Cheektowaga Animal Control, SPCA Serving Erie County and SPCA Animal Cruelty Investigator William Heine for their work in this investigation.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Stephen C. Papia of the Justice Courts Bureau.

UPDATE 6/29/22 from the office of of Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn:  Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn announces that 37-year-old Shermika A. Walker of Buffalo was arraigned this morning before Cheektowaga Town Justice James J. Speyer, Jr. on one count of Overdriving, Torturing and Injuring Animals; Failure to Provide Proper Sustenance (Class “A” misdemeanor under New York Agriculture and Markets Law) and one count of Confinement of Companion Animals in Vehicles: Extreme Temperatures (violation under New York Agriculture and Markets Law). [See the full story, below.]  Walker is scheduled to return on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. for further proceedings. She was released on her own recognizance as the charges are non-qualifying offenses for bail.  If convicted of all charges, Walker faces a maximum sentence of one year in jail.

DA Flynn commends the Cheektowaga Police Department, Town of Cheektowaga Animal Control, SPCA Serving Erie County and SPCA Animal Cruelty Investigations Officer William Heine for their work in this investigation.

The case is being prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Christine M. Garvey of the Animal Cruelty Unit.  As are all persons accused of a crime, the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
–Kait Munro, Public Information Officer, Erie County District Attorney

On June 16, 2022, the SPCA Serving Erie County charged  Shermika Walker of Buffalo with one count of misdemeanor animal cruelty and one violation after she allegedly left a dog in a hot vehicle at the Airport Plaza in Cheektowaga Wednesday, June 15.

According to Accuweather.com, Cheektowaga temperatures reached 91 degrees Wednesday afternoon when Cheektowaga Police and Animal Control officers responded to a call regarding a dog left in a vehicle at the plaza. When officers arrived at the location, they reportedly found the dog inside of the vehicle in severe distress, seizing and vomiting.

The male dog, which appears to be a Boston Terrier, was removed from the vehicle and rushed by Cheektowaga Animal Control officers to the Greater Buffalo Veterinary Emergency Clinic on Genesee St. in Buffalo when SPCA officers were called to assist. The dog’s temperature surpassed 107 degrees and he exhibited other signs of severe heatstroke.

Clinic representatives provided emergency care to stabilize the dog, and he is now in the care of the SPCA Serving Erie County where he will receive additional treatment.

SPCA Animal Cruelty Investigations Officer William Heine opened an investigation and charged Walker. 

The SPCA reminds community members that the effects of heatstroke can begin quickly in animals left alone in parked cars in the summer, even when cars are parked for short lengths of time in shade with windows open. Those who find animals left alone in cars during extreme temperatures are encouraged to call 9-1-1 or the SPCA Serving Erie County, (716) 875-7360, ext. 214, 8 a.m. – 6:45 p.m. seven days a week.

YOU can join us in our fight to protect animals >>

Buffalo Bills GM Brandon Beane & Pat McAfee Follow Through for SPCA & Bills Muttfia After Golf Score Bet

August 7, 2023
By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

The turf is definitely greener at the SPCA Serving Erie County today, where 78 equals 25,000!

When Brandon Beane appeared on The Pat McAfee Show on YouTube Friday, Aug. 4, McAfee made good on a golf score bet previously set with our Buffalo Bills general manager.

The bet? If Beane shot a 79 in an upcoming golf game, McAfee would donate $25,000 to one of Beane’s favorite charities. Under 79 would double the donation!

On Friday, the results were broadcast live during the last hour of the show.

Beane clearly won the game, with a score of 78!

McAfee asked where Beane would like the $50,000 to go, and Beane chose to divide the winnings: $25,000 to the  Carson Senfield Impact Foundation in memory of Carson Senfield, and $25,000 to the SPCA Serving Erie County in honor of the Bills Muttfia started by Beane and his wife, SPCA Board Member Hayley!

Approximately one hour after the show ended, the SPCA received the $25,000 online donation from McAfee!

Play the entire show here! Beane’s segment begins in the third hour, at approximately 2:15, and he makes his donation choices at approximately 2:26!

Thank you to Pat McAfee for playing through, and to Brandon Beane for driving the donation! It’s unanimous at the SPCA: that’s what friendly wagers are “fore!”

August 7, 2023

From The Buffalo News:

Letter: Governor should sign wildlife bill into law
As a proud Eagle Scout and Buffalo native, I’ve been following national coverage of Sen. Tim Kennedy’s bill to end wildlife for cash competitions (“New York considers ban on cash prize contests for hunting coyotes, squirrels, some other wildlife” July 20).

The Outdoor Code is an integral part of every scout’s commitment to treat our land with respect and follow principled outdoor ethics. “I will learn about and practice good conservation of soil, waters, forests, minerals, grasslands, wildlife and energy. I will urge others to do the same.”

More on ending wildlife kill contests >>

Therefore, I respectfully ask Gov. Kathy Hochul to protect our natural resources by signing S.4099 into law. Doing so will ensure proper stewardship and care of our state’s precious wildlife.

Nicholas Hassett

See this letter at BuffaloNews.com >>

Bill to Ban Brutal Wildlife Killing Contests in NYS Passes Both Houses, Now Heads to Gov. Hochul

July 13, 2023
By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

The SPCA and other animal welfare organizations across the nation have been diligent in efforts to end barbaric wildlife killing contests (see original story and accompanying articles here >>) and the New York State bill that would outlaw these cruel acts passed both the state Senate and Assembly last month. The bill is now headed to Governor Kathy Hochul’s desk, and the SPCA Serving Erie County is working hard to spread the message about the realities of such barbaric activities, asking people to contact Governor Hochul to urge her to sign the bill outlawing these brutal acts once and for all.

More on wildlife killing contests >>

SPCA President/CEO Cait Daly and Director of Wildlife Barbara Haney have written the following emotional message regarding the importance of outlawing this immoral activity, further encouraging community members to contact the Governor asking for her support. Governor Hochul’s contact information is included below the message. 


The SPCA Serving Erie County has continually been a leader in rallying the moral fiber of our community on issues of animal cruelty. For 156 years we have been there for our animals to champion them and to mature with the community in our efforts to protect them. We must cry out once more, this time for our wildlife.

Over the last few years, we have watched some of our local communities and counties participating in wildlife kill contests, encouraging participants to compete for cash and other prizes for killing the most, the largest, or even the smallest foxes, bobcats, coyotes, squirrels, crows, and other species over a weekend.

We were horrified at the documentation and photos that the Humane Society of the United States acquired that showed dumpsters filled with discarded carcasses of animals. What makes this especially sad is that there is no logical, scientific reason that we can find that may justify dumpsters of dead animals.

Indeed, science unequivocally refutes the claims that this is population control. The evidence goes back for over a century that indiscriminate killing in some species only causes population numbers to grow. This is clearly shown in coyote population biology and cited in numerous studies and recognized by several wildlife agencies across the country, including the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.

Indiscriminate, wanton killing does not manage the population. In fact, quite the opposite. The indiscriminate killing of coyotes can cause a population spike, disrupting the family units, wreaking havoc on the environment. Reason and science alone beg one to find these contests immoral, but it goes further when we consider that wildlife is sovereign and should be a resource held in the public trust for ALL New Yorkers.

S4099 is the legislation that would finally end the wildlife kill contests. Nothing in the proposed legislation changes hunting seasons, bag limits, or any other regulations. Deer, turkey, and bear are exempt from the bill as the state already tightly regulates the seasonal hunting of these species. This bill focuses solely on one thing, ending the use of killing wildlife for cash profits.

In June, this bill passed both chambers with bipartisan support. It now sits in the hands of our very own Governor Kathy Hochul. We implore Governor Hochul to eradicate this practice for the public good.

The SPCA Serving Erie County, one of only a handful of humane societies in the country with a fully-outfitted Wildlife Department, sets the standards for ethics and best practices in caring for and living with wildlife. Let us become the ninth state* to ban these contests. Let us finally put an end to this antiquated practice of killing contests that have no scientific or moral foundation.

Supporters and WNY residents, please contact Governor Hochul using the contact information below and voice your support for this important bill. We respectfully urge Governor Hochul, a Buffalo native, to sign this bill into law. We would be proud to become the ninth state to prohibit these selfish and unnecessary competitions!

SPCA Serving Erie County President/CEO Caitlin Daly
(716) 875-7360, ext. 250

SPCA Director of Wildlife Barbara Haney
(716) 875-7360, ext. 220

Contact Governor Hochul by phone:
1-518-474-8390 | Office hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Contact Governor Hochul by website contact form:

Contact Governor Hochul by mail:
The Honorable Kathy Hochul
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

*Wildlife killing contests are banned in Arizona, California, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Vermont, and Washington.



Get ready for a furry love connection like no other! The SPCA is bringing the excitement of speed dating back to our shelter on Thursday and Friday, July 20 and 21, from noon to 8 p.m., removing the need for guest passes and hoping you fall in love at first sight! 💘✨

During these special days, we’re waiving adoption fees for all animals one year and older, making it easier than ever to find your perfect match! We guarantee sparks will fly! 😘💕

And that’s not all! Adopters will not only leave with their new furry friend but also some fantastic fun favors to kickstart their journey together! 🎁🎉

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to find love and bring home a lifelong companion. Mark your calendars and join us for this unforgettable event at the SPCA. Spread the word and tag your friends who might be looking for their new pet! 🐶🐱🐓❤️ #GetYourFlirtOn

#GetYourFlirtOn at the SPCA all summer >>>

Located inside Thin Man Brewery Chandler at 166 Chandler Street


A coyote in the woods.

Submit form urging Gov. Hochul to sign bill banning wildlife killing contests >>

A message from the SPCA’s Cait Daly & Barbara Haney >>

Words from HSUS NYS Director Brian Shapiro >>

Update, July 2023 — Last month the New York State Senate and Assembly passed the bill to end brutal wildlife killing contests. It now heads to the desk of Governor Kathy Hochul, whose approval would make New York State the ninth state in the nation to outlaw such kills. Those interested in encouraging Governor Hochul to sign S. 4099 into law can call (518) 474-8390, or contact her using an on-line contact form here >>


In wildlife killing contests, participants compete to kill coyotes, foxes, bobcats, and other ecologically vital species for cash and prizes. Hundreds of animals may be killed at a single event and countless others may be injured. During springtime contests, dependent young may be orphaned and left to die from starvation, predation or exposure. After the killing is over, the animals are often dumped like trash, away from the public eye.

“It is not a sport, it is not hunting, it is the killing of wildlife.” –NYS Senator Timothy Kennedy told WGRZ-TV in February.

Stopping these contests would not reduce opportunities to hunt coyotes or other wildlife, prohibit big buck competitions or fishing tournaments, prevent the lethal control of wildlife to protect livestock or outlaw field dog trials. It would simply prohibit the competitive killing of wildlife for frivolous prizes. All wildlife species play an important role in healthy ecosystems. It’s time for New York to join Massachusetts, Vermont, Maryland and the five other states that have already outlawed these cruel, unsporting and ecologically destructive events.


Please send a message to your state legislators urging them to support A.2917/S.4099 to end wildlife killing contests, using the form found here >>> . You can also take action using the Wolf Conservation Center form here >>>. Be sure to personalize it so your message stands out.

Send a message to legislators here >>

Additional action through Wolf Conservation Center >>

FAQs on wildlife killing contests >>

See this story on WGRZ-TV >>

Editorial in The Buffalo News >>

Editorial in The Daily Gazette >>

June article by ESPN Radio >>

August letter by local Eagle Scout to Buffalo News Editor >>

Cait Daly & Barb Haney letter in Buffalo News Aug. 30 >>


–SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca


#GetYourFlirtOn This Summer at the SPCA!

Bring your best lines to the SPCA’s 300 Harlem Rd.,
West Seneca shelter to pick up th
e love of your life!

June 22 through Labor Day, mingle with the singles at the SPCA, and if you fall for an animal 1 year or older, we’ll get your relationship off to a great start by taking half off your adoption fee!

Not sure if you’re ready for a commitment? Remember, the SPCA offers trial adoptions through the new If The Fur Fits program >> ! And if you’re just looking to spend your days on long walks gettin’ caught in the rain, consider taking a dog out for the day with our Doggie Entourage program >> !

Plus, stay tuned for details on our extra-special Speed Dating events coming up in July and August!

You belong with them >>>

Speed Dating in July >>>

Speed Dating in August >>>


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