See Sean Kirst’s column in The Buffalo News >>>

June 3, 2023 — As we struggle to find the appropriate way…the appropriate words…to honor Debbie Braun, The Buffalo News columnist Sean Kirst showed us what living up to the challenge is all about. Read his emotional, heartfelt tribute to Debbie here >>>.

May 17, 2023 — Our team at the SPCA Serving Erie County is saddened to announce that we have lost our beautiful Paws for Love Coordinator, Debbie Braun.

Debbie’s passing Saturday night, May 13, was not completely unexpected…she’s been battling an illness for quite some time…but the rapidity of her decline WAS unexpected. The family…we all…believed there was more time left with this kind and loving soul.

Debbie came on board as Paws for Love Coordinator in 2006 and grew this program beyond any expectations. What started as a few volunteers visiting a few nursing homes turned into hundreds of volunteers visiting hundreds of locations, and not just medical sites.

Photo credit Chris Caya/WBFO

Debbie warmly welcomed each volunteer team into the program, forming a personal relationship with each and every one of them. She established long-standing relationships with not just nursing homes and hospitals (at one time the only types of locations visited) but little by little identified the need for this healing program at other types of locations…and went on to fill that need. Colleges and all grade levels of schools. Libraries. Rehab centers. Funeral parlors and memorial services. The Family Justice Center, helping victims of domestic violence.  In fact, because of Debbie, in 2013 the Buffalo Niagara International Airport became one of only nine airports in the entire country with dogs on hand to lower stress levels; LA may have been the first airport boasting such a program, but within mere months, Buffalo’s was the largest program in the nation.

Under Debbie’s leadership, thousands upon thousands of people’s lives were touched by Paws for Love through our incredible volunteers and through the efforts of our Debbie. Her loss will be felt not only by family and friends, not only by the SPCA, but by an entire community that did not even know how hard Debbie was working behind the scenes.

Debbie’s obituary can be found at .

Those who would like to share special memories of Debbie or how, through her guidance, the Paws for Love program touched their lives are encourage to email . With these emails, the SPCA will create a special memory book for Debbie’s family.

Bob and Debbie Braun in 2018

Condolence cards and/or other notes to be shared with the family can be sent to Gina Lattuca, SPCA Serving Erie County, 300 Harlem Rd., West Seneca, NY 14224, ATTN: Memories of Debbie .

A celebration of Debbie’s life will be held at the SPCA Serving Erie County Sunday, May 21, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Debbie’s family and Paws for Love volunteers and pets will be available to greet visitors and share favorite stories and memories of Debbie (SPCA Adoptions and animal viewing areas will not be open).

To those organizations and business that have encouraged Paws for Love visits, and to volunteers past and present who have participated in this program, we thank you for recognizing the importance of the bond between animals and people, and for believing in an animal’s ability to provide moments or hours of solace to those in any type of emotional need. This bond is what Debbie believed in with her whole heart and soul, that to which she dedicated much of her life, and this belief is the motivation behind ensuring Debbie’s legacy, the SPCA Paws for Love program, lives on.

–SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca


Three Dogs from Louisiana Ready to Find Their WNY Homes

Two weeks ago, three SPCA Serving Erie County staff members traveled to St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, to help rebuild the St. Landry Parish Animal Control. While our staff members have returned to Western New York, our efforts to help St. Landry Parish have continued.

Yesterday, the BISSELL Pet Foundation, Cathy Bissell, and Race for Life Rescue flew three dogs to New York from Louisiana. The dogs arrived at the Greater Binghamton Airport and were then driven to the SPCA Serving Erie County by dedicated volunteers Red and Bob.

Two of the three dogs, Zoey and Dozer Brooks, came from the St. Landry Parish Animal Control to help alleviate some of the stress of over-population in their shelter. Tequila came from another shelter in Louisiana that does not adopt out pitbull-type dogs.

“By taking Tequila in, we’re saving her from the grim reality of being euthanized because of her apparent breed,” said SPCA Officer Lindsey Wood. “As for Zoey and Dozer Brooks, we worked with them while we were at St. Landry Parish Animal Control, and we quickly fell in love. The shelter was a very difficult environment for Dozer Brooks, and we knew our shelter would be a better fit for him.”

Once they arrived on site, our dedicated veterinary and animal care teams ensured these three newcomers were comfortable and well taken care of following their long journey. While these three are not available for adoption just yet, they will be soon! Keep an eye on


How ‘Mow Mow’ Found His Way Home

The stars were aligned today when Shannon and Allie of Chautauqua County decided to make a spur-of-the-moment visit to the SPCA. They began by looking at the cats who were available for adoption when they noticed a familiar face.

“I went into the room and called his name,” Shannon said. “He looked right up at me.”

It turns out Mow Mow had been missing for two years from Shannon’s Cherry Creek home.

Mow Mow was brought to the SPCA on January 14 after being abandoned with eight other cats in a Buffalo home. While at the SPCA, he was vaccinated, neutered, and microchipped.

When he first arrived, he was apprehensive of his new surroundings. You would often find him cuddled up in his favorite cat house in one of our cat condo rooms.

Fortunately, Mow Mow’s favorite cat house was in the wash this morning so he didn’t have his favorite spot to snuggle in. Instead, he was out on a cat bed when Shannon and Allie walked by.

“It was clear right away that Mow Mow was their cat,” said Cary Munschauer, SPCA senior cat behaviorist. “It was an emotional reunion!”

While Mow Mow was hesitant to tell us about his adventures these past two years, we’re so happy that this family was reunited at the SPCA!


#SPCACompassionInAction: Saving Animals’ Lives

Click the image below to see the full story!


Tonawanda Man Saves Dog From Ellicott Creek; After Treatment at SPCA, Dog Reunited With Owner

January 6, 2023
BY: SPCA Social Media Coordinator Jillian LeBlanc

UPDATE, February 18, from Tammi in our Admissions Department:
We had a very special guest visit us this morning in Admissions and we are still crying very happy and thankful tears!  You may recall our precious boy Rufus, who was pulled from Ellicott Creek not too long ago by a wonderful and brave man named Jim.  Jim jumped into action the moment he saw Rufus struggling in the creek and pulled him to safety and brought him to us immediately for emergency medical care.  Rufus was reunited almost immediately with his family and we found out sweet Rufus was a gentle senior that they loved very much!

Rufus, Mr. Keane and Liam stopped in today with a ton of wonderful dog treats for our dogs and two BEAUTIFUL thank you cards, one from the Keane family and one from Pamela Giannantonio, the principal at St. Andrews Country Day School.  The children from Liam’s school collected all of these wonderful donations and we are so grateful!!!  Mr. Keane also informed us that Jim, Rufus’ hero, has stayed in contact with the family and just visited them recently…….sounds like a beautiful book and movie needs to be made regarding this incredible heart warming story!!! ”

–All the best stories have happy endings, and this story is no exception!

Rufus arrives, shivering, at the SPCA

Earlier today, Town of Tonawanda resident Jim Skoney was driving down Ellicott Creek Road in Tonawanda when he noticed three cars were parked along the creek, with people standing near the edge of the water. Jim stopped to see what was happening and noticed a small dog was struggling in the water, head bobbing up and down.

Jim says he did “what anyone would have done,” but it was much more than that. Jim laid down on the steep bank of the creek as one onlooker held onto his legs, ensuring Jim himself didn’t plunge into the water, and did everything he could to rescue the dog. As the current started pulling the dog out of reach, Jim said, “I called to him and he suddenly turned his head and tried swimming against the current. He made every attempt to stay above water, swimming in my direction, but he was repeatedly going underwater and rapidly losing energy.”

The SPCA’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Allison Kean

Just as it seemed the dog would go under without the energy to swim up, Jim was able to grasp him by the neck and pull him back to shore. Once back to safety, Jim wrapped the dog in his coat to keep him warm and cranked up the heat in his car. Jim knew he needed to get the dog to a veterinarian quickly. After a local veterinary clinic refused treatment because there was no owner to pay veterinary bills, Jim brought the dog to the SPCA Serving Erie County to ensure he survived.

And survive he did.

The SPCA’s Sally Budik covers Rufus as rescuer Jim gets a little kiss

When Jim arrived, the shivering, senior dog (who we now know is named Rufus!) was rushed straight to our infirmary, where our incredible veterinary team, led by Chief Medical Officer Dr. Allison Kean, made sure he was healthy and warm. While the veterinary team worked on Rufus, Admissions staff contacted local animal control facilities. Admissions counselor Shannon shared word of the dog with Tonawanda representatives and was quickly called back with news of a possible owner who works for the town!

Joe, Rufus’ owner, shared with us that the fence in his backyard was knocked down during the Blizzard of 2022. Wood was put up to patch the hole and keep Rufus from escaping. Unknowingly, the wood fell. Rufus, who is 18 ½ years old, deaf, and blind, somehow slipped out of the opening and eventually found his way to the creek. The rest of the story is history.

Reunited, and it feels so good! Dr. Kean brings Rufus to his dad, Joe, before introducing Joe to rescuer Jim, right.

Jim doesn’t believe he is a hero, but we do. He saved Rufus from drowning and brought him to safety.

Now, Rufus is back home, safe in his bed because of Jim’s heroic effort and our veterinary team’s diligent work (along with our donors, who ensure these life-saving efforts keep happening for the animals who need us most). This display of compassion would in no way be possible if not for Jim’s bravery. Please join us in celebrating this local hero!

Rufus, held by dad Joe, can’t wait to get home! (SPCA Chief Medical Officer Dr. Allison Kean, middle, and reluctant hero of the day, rescuer Jim, right)

YOU can help make life-saving work at the SPCA possible >>

The SPCA/Erie County Sheriffs’ PUPS AT THE PEN Program Returns to Erie County

MORO is the first dog to graduate after receiving eight weeks of intensive training by female inmates at the Erie County Correctional Facility

January 5, 2023
By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

Moro the dog prepares for his big Pups at the Pen graduation at the Erie County Correctional Facility Jan. 3, 2023

#SPCACompassionInAction — After almost three years on COVID hiatus, PUPS AT THE PEN, created by the SPCA Serving Erie County and the Erie County Sheriffs Office (ECSO), has returned to Erie County!

The program, originally started in July of 2016, established a partnership between the two organizations that, according to an ECSO press release, “…will bring new hope for inmates and sheltered dogs.” This program pairs selected female inmates with adoption candidates for several weeks.  During this time the inmates train the dogs, help with socialization skills, and provide care and attention throughout the program. The dogs live with the inmates in the housing area and the teams utilize parts of the facility for training, socializing, and recreation.

Eight weeks ago, Moro, a two-year-old dog surrendered to the SPCA in August, 2022 who staff felt would benefit from a higher level of training, began his in-depth behavior program at the correctional facility. There, he received not only behavior lessons but care, socialization, love, and attention from a loyal team of individuals committed to teaching this sweet dog new skills.

Moro passed his intensive training courses with flying colors and graduated with honors in a ceremony held at the Erie County Correctional Facility January 3. To ease Moro’s transition and keep his stress level low, Moro will be available for adoption not at the SPCA but at the home of a dedicated foster care volunteer. Those interested in meeting Moro for possible adoption can call the SPCA’s Behavior Department at
(716) 875-7360, ext. 268.

While his trainers taught Moro skills to prepare for his new life, they were learning lessons to prepare for their new lives. In fact, the trainers were so impacted by this program that at the graduation, SPCA representatives received this heartfelt letter signed by four of Moro’s teachers:

See coverage of yesterday’s emotional graduation ceremony on WKBW-TV Ch. 7
here >>

Since the program’s inception, more than 70 dogs trained by inmates have graduated and been adopted, one by Erie County Chief of Community Reintegration Tom Diina himself (see that story
here >>) ! In fact, in April of 2017, the first dog adoption that took place at the SPCA’s then-new 300 Harlem Rd., West Seneca location was a dog named Jed, a Pups at the Pen grad, who was adopted by his correctional facility trainer Mercedes (see that story here >>) !

Keep watching for news on the next dogs heading to the Erie County Correctional Facility later this month.


SPCA Compassion In Action:
SPCA offers free vaccines for canines!

November 10, 2022

The no-cost parvo and distemper vaccines are made possible through Petco Love’s new national vaccination initiative, which is providing one million free pet vaccines for family pets in need to existing animal welfare partners, including the SPCA Serving Erie County!

Other services available at a minimal cost listed in flier below:

Digging His Free Ride from Florida to Buffalo,
STEFON DIGGUANA Touches Down at the SPCA Serving Erie County

October 28, 2022
By:  SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

UPDATE, November 4 — Stefon Digguana officially has a Buffalo home! He’s the newest member of the family at Nickel City Reptiles and Exotics! New dad and Nickel City Reptiles and Exotics Owner Jeff Musial says on Facebook that Stefon has found his “forever home!” Those are our favorite words! Thanks, Jeff, and Stefon, we’ll miss you but we know you’ll love watching many years’ worth of Buffalo Bills games with the Nickel City crew! Full story below!

Getting on the field at Highmark Stadium can be tricky, but one iguana found a way to score.

This week, an unmarked NBC Sunday Night Football “follow truck” carrying broadcast equipment made its way from Florida to Buffalo in preparation for the Buffalo Bills’ game against the Green Bay Packers Sunday evening.

According to Diana Solomon, production coordinator at NBC Sports, “Our driver, Christian, was unloading the truck this afternoon, bringing boxes and other items to the [Highmark Stadium] field. As he lifted wires and cables out of one of the boxes, there underneath everything, at the bottom of the box, was this iguana!”

Solomon said the iguana was very still, and they weren’t sure if he was alive.

“We placed the iguana in a clear, plastic container, put hand warmers on him, and wrapped him up in towels,” Solomon added. “It wasn’t long before he ’woke up’ and started to move.”

At that point, unsure what to do with the lizard, Solomon contacted the Wildlife Department at the SPCA Serving Erie County.

“The iguana appears to be quite young, and he’s obviously wild, invasive to the Florida region,” says SPCA Wildlife Director Barbara Haney. “That limits our ability to send him back. He appears to be malnourished and dehydrated, so we’ll set him up here in a cage and hopefully he’ll relax, eat, and drink. Then he’ll see a local exotics veterinarian on Tuesday.”

Why are green iguanas illegal in Florida? >>

If cleared medically, wildlife representatives at the SPCA are hoping to place him with a reptile rescue/organization. If one cannot be located, the SPCA will attempt to find an experienced iguana owner who would be comfortable working with a young iguana not yet used to being handled. “Placement with a proper rescue or reptile center would be ideal, but if we cannot locate one that will accept him, it will be important to find an experienced someone,” Haney said. “Due to the special circumstances surrounding this reptile, the fact that he was wild-bred, and his acquisition, the best chance of a successful outcome will be with a patient handler who knows how to work with this iguana and provide the best life possible for him.”

The iguana’s new name? Courtesy of SPCA Animal Care Manager Leigh Ann Abbey, the iguana is now called STEFON DIGGUANA, after Buffalo Bills Wide Receiver Stefon Diggs!

Experienced iguana owners who may be interested in giving Stefon Digguana a new home can email the SPCA at…what else…!

UPDATE, October 29 — Watching the game tomorrow night? Look for an appearance by the newest and most attractive social media darling, the one and only Stefon Digguana! NBC Sports representatives were at the SPCA Serving Erie County, NY this afternoon filming Stefon for his close-up! As you see, Stefon posed nicely for the camera!

See this story on NBC’s WGRZ-TV >>

See this story on Newsradio 930 WBEN >>

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