Reading to SPCA Animals is Back!
New Tale for Two Season Offers In-Person and Virtual Options.

September 1, 2021
By: SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

The SPCA Serving Erie County is now welcoming readers into its 2021 – 2022 season Tale for Two program, encouraging children ages six through 16 to read aloud to adoptable animals at the SPCA, or therapy pets who are volunteers of the SPCA’s Paws for Love program! Animals benefit from the increased socialization and reduced stress levels, while children work on their literacy and reading skills, building their self-esteem and confidence.

If registered for in-person reading, one adult and one child can visit the SPCA’s 300 Harlem Rd., West Seneca shelter to read aloud to shelter pets. To remain consistent with COVID-related occupancy guidelines, only six child/adult teams will be allowed on the Adoptions floor at any given time, so space is extremely limited.

Virtual reading will take place on a Zoom call, during which participants will read to a Paws for Love therapy animal. Each virtual session will conclude with an opportunity for the child to ask the shelter representative questions about the animal or the SPCA.

This year’s reading season begins October 4, and is available in a three-month package (program cost: $50 for one 30-minute in-person reading session per week, or unlimited 30-minute virtual reading sessions); a ’21-’22 school year package (program cost: $85 for one 30-minute in-person reading session per week, or unlimited 30-minute virtual reading sessions; this package has an end date of June 9, 2022); or a full year 12-month package (program cost: $125 for one 30-minute in-person reading session per week, or unlimited 30-minute virtual reading sessions; this package has an end date of September 15, 2022).

In-person shelter reading opportunities along with virtual reading slots are available Mondays and Wednesdays, 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., at the SPCA’s 300 Harlem Rd., West Seneca shelter. 

Children can read from their own reading materials, or make a selection from the SPCA’s library.

REGISTER NOW  to choose your reading package and to select your desired virtual orientation date (orientation is mandatory for adults and recommended for the child readers). Space is extremely limited. For more information on Tale for Two, please contact SPCA Director of Humane Education Christine Davis at 716-875-7360, ext. 262, or .

Register for TALE FOR TWO now!

From the SPCA’s Humane Education Department regarding the safety of children participating in one of the Humane Ed programs:

“The SPCA Serving Erie County has and always has had strict cleaning and safety policies in place due to the nature of animal sheltering and the potential for zoonotic disease exposure. During the age of COVID-19, we will follow all CDC guidelines and recommendations. At this time, the SPCA Humane Education Department requires social distancing and masks for all participants, regardless of vaccination status. There will also be a temperature check and COVID screening prior to entry.”

SPCA Summer Camp Offers Three Active Options for 2020

July 7, 2020
By:  SPCA Chief Communications Officer Gina Lattuca

The SPCA Serving Erie County’s annual Summer Kindness Camp program has been modified to teach important lessons while keeping kids active, entertained, safe, healthy, and distant!

Three different camp options will be offered this summer:
KINDNESS CAMP: The Backpacks
KINDNESS CAMP: The Backpacks OFF-LEASH! (Update 7/15: Off-Leash Registration Closed)
KINDNESS CAMP: The Live, Virtual, Veterinary Experience

KINDNESS CAMP: The Backpacks is a non-interactive kindness camp experience providing children with fun, engaging, hands-on activities and games that can be enjoyed at their convenience. Backpacks include one week’s worth of materials and instructions needed for the themed activities, art projects, educational handouts, and fun swag items…all children will need are safe scissors, glue, and a table cover for messy projects! There are three backpack themes available for $30 per backpack for children ages 5-12 and 12-15. See more on backpacks and register for your child’s backpack here.

KINDNESS CAMP: The Backpacks OFF-LEASH! (Update 7/15: Registration Closed) is a kindness camp with backpack projects that take place in the child’s home and yard, but the backpacks also go “off-leash” with some interactive, virtual experiences! Each day, 30-60-minute live, virtual interactions with people and animals will take place; campers will virtually meet different animals, participate in interactive games and activities, and learn lots of new things! Also included are on-demand videos, and additional, downloadable activity sheets! Themes, age ranges, dates, and costs vary; see more about KINDNESS CAMP: The Backpacks OFF-LEASH! here. (Update 7/15: Registration Closed)

KINDNESS CAMP: The Live, Virtual, Veterinary Experience is a veterinary camp series for children who love animals and are interested in exploring veterinary careers! Campers will learn what it takes to be a veterinarian through a combination of live virtual content and fun activities, plus enjoy a take-home kit of materials. They will learn how to check a pet’s vital signs, discover what heartworms are, watch an animal exam, observe a neuter surgery, and so much more. Both live, virtual experiences, Introduction to Veterinary Science and Advanced Veterinary Science, are open to children ages 9-14 and cost $120. More information, dates, and registration are available here.

All backpacks and take-home materials have been handled by healthy staff members at the SPCA who were wearing gloves and masks. All materials have been thoroughly disinfected.  Backpacks are available via curbside pick-up, delivery, or shipping.

To find more information on all three types of camp experiences and to register your child for one camp (or all three!), please visit our all new SPCA Kindness Camp page here.

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